How To Allow Minecraft Through Firewall On Windows: Easy Guide

Hey there, Minecraft fans! We all know how much fun it is to dive into the world of blocks and create our own amazing adventures. But sometimes, we might encounter connection issues that stop us from enjoying the game with our friends. Don’t worry though; we’ve got your back!

In this article, you’ll learn how to allow Minecraft through your firewall so you can get rid of those pesky connection problems once and for all. Say goodbye to being left out when your buddies explore new lands or build epic structures. Get

ready to finally fix the issue and jump right back into the action.

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What Does Firewall Got To Do With Minecraft?

You might be thinking, “What does a firewall have to do with Minecraft?” Well, firewalls are like security guards for your computer. They help protect it from hackers and other bad stuff you don’t want on your computer. But sometimes, they can also block things that you actually want to use – like Minecraft.

When you’re trying to play Minecraft, and there’s something wrong with the connection or it just won’t load properly, it could be because of your firewall is blocking the game. Firewalls work by checking all incoming and outgoing traffic on your computer (like when browsing the web or downloading files) and blocking anything suspicious or unknown.

Since firewalls aren’t familiar with every single program out there, including games like Minecraft, they might think that this traffic is potentially harmful and decide to block it.

Now that we know how important a role the firewall plays in our gaming experience, let’s figure out what needs to be done about it. Allowing Minecraft through the firewall means telling your computer’s security system

“Hey! This specific application is totally cool and safe.” That way, the firewall will stop interrupting your gameplay whenever it suspects some sort of danger.

So what should we do next? The good news is that letting Minecraft past your Firewall isn’t as complicated as it sounds. Once we look into changing some settings in our computers’ firewall settings section up ahead, getting back into our favorite pixelated world will be a breeze.

Firewall Settings

Let’s dive into allowing Minecraft through your Windows 10 firewall so you can have a smooth connection.

You might be having trouble joining servers or friends’ worlds, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. We’ll take you through the steps to ensure your computer allows Minecraft to use the internet without interruptions.

First off, let’s head over to your firewall settings:

  • Press the “Windows” key and type “firewall” in the search bar.
  • Click on “Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.”
  • This will open up a list of apps and features that are currently allowed (or not) through your computer’s firewall.

Now it’s time to find Minecraft on this list! Scroll down until you see “Minecraft Launcher” or something similar. If it’s already checked under both “Private” and “Public,” then congratulations, you’re all set! However, if they aren’t checked yet, here’s what to do:

  • Click on the “Change settings” button near the window’s top right corner.
  • Now you should be able to check those boxes next to Minecraft.
  • Make sure both “Private” and “Public” are ticked for better connectivity!

Great job! By now, you should have successfully allowed Minecraft through your firewall, which means no more annoying connection issues when trying to join servers or play with friends online.

But sometimes, even after taking these steps, there might still be some problems with connecting properly. That’s why we will explore another way of ensuring a seamless gaming experience: port forwarding.

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Port Forwarding

Port forwarding is like opening a special door in your firewall just for Minecraft so that you and your buddies can play together without any hiccups.

First, open up your router’s settings page by typing its IP address into a web browser on your computer or device connected to the same network as the server.

You’ll need to log in with the username and password (you might want to ask your parents if they set it up). Once logged in, look for something called “Port Forwarding” or “Virtual Servers.” This is where all the magic happens!

Now let’s get down to business. In this magical place called port forwarding settings, create a new rule or virtual server entry specifically for Minecraft.

Type in a name like “Minecraft Server,” then enter the IP address of the machine running the server (usually found under ‘status’ or ‘network information’ within router settings), followed by entering “25565” for both start and end ports – this number never changes unless Mojang decides otherwise.

Set protocol type as TCP/UDP since both are used during gameplay. Save these fantastic adjustments made.

Your super-cool Minecraft world should be accessible now from outside your home network using its public IP address – which can be found easily through searching ‘what’s my IP’ online. It’s always good practice to test everything after making changes, so keep reading our next section about testing connections before celebrating too hard.

Test Connection

Now that you have allowed Minecraft through your firewall and set up port forwarding, it’s time to test if the connection issues are resolved. This is an important step because sometimes problems persist even after making changes. Don’t worry; testing the connection is easy and will help us figure out if we need to do any more troubleshooting.

Launch Minecraft on your computer or device to start testing the connection. Try joining a multiplayer server like you normally would, or ask a friend to join your game if you’re hosting one yourself.

Pay attention to whether the game loads quickly and without error messages. If everything seems smooth and connected well, then congratulations! You’ve successfully fixed the problem by allowing Minecraft through the firewall and setting up port forwarding.

However, if you notice that there are still issues with connecting to servers or having friends join your game, don’t get discouraged. It might mean another issue besides the firewall settings and port forwarding. We’ll need to investigate further to find a solution that works for you.

Before troubleshooting other potential causes of these pesky Minecraft connection issues, double-check all previous steps taken were done correctly.

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One common reason that might be causing trouble is a slow or unstable internet connection. Make sure you have a strong Wi-Fi signal, or try using an Ethernet cable instead of wireless.

Restarting your modem and router could also help improve the connection speed. If nothing changes after trying these steps, it might be worth checking with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for any ongoing network issues or maintenance in your area.

Another thing we need to check is if our game files are up-to-date and not corrupted in any way. You can easily repair or re-download missing files by launching the Minecraft launcher on your computer and clicking “Options” next to the play button.

From there, select “Force Update!” This will ensure all necessary files are updated, so everything should run smoothly again!

Don’t lose hope if you’ve gone through all these steps but still can’t connect properly! It’s time to roll up our sleeves and start troubleshooting even further.

Check whether other players are experiencing similar problems – maybe something bigger, like a server outage, is affecting everyone at once? Additionally, consider contacting Mojang Support for assistance; they may have insights on resolving your specific issue.


In conclusion, we can see that firewalls play a significant role in our Minecraft gaming experience. By adjusting the firewall settings and port forwarding, we can solve most connection issues and enjoy playing with friends.

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