How To Give Pave Three Rainbow Feathers In Animal Crossing: A Step-By-Step Guide

Are you looking for a way to impress your friends and have the most unique town in Animal Crossing? Giving three rainbow feathers is sure to do just that! 

With this step-by-step guide, you’ll be on your way to adding some colorful flair to your Animal Crossing town. You’ll feel like an expert by the time you’re done – let’s get started!

First, use a slingshot to shoot down a balloon to give three rainbow feathers in Animal Crossing. Inside the balloon may be one or more presents containing feathers. Once you have collected the feather presents, open them and select “give” to add three rainbow feathers to your inventory. With this method, you can get up to three rainbow feathers daily!

What You Need To Give Pave Three Rainbow Feathers

If you’re a fan of Animal Crossing, you may have heard of Pave, the peacock NPC who can be found on the island. Pave is known for his love of flashy, colorful items, and one of the items that he particularly covets are rainbow feathers. 

These rare and valuable items can be tough to come by, but if you’re able to gather three of them, you’ll be able to trade them to Pave for some pretty amazing rewards. So, what do you need to give Pave in order to obtain these rewards?

First and foremost, you’ll need to have three rainbow feathers in your inventory. These can be obtained through various methods, such as fishing, catching bugs, or even digging up fossils. Unfortunately, rainbow feathers are rare, so gathering all three may take time and effort.

Once you have the feathers, you’ll need to locate Pave on your island. 

He can usually be found wandering around near the Resident Services building, or you can try visiting his tent on the island’s beach. Once you’ve found Pave, simply approach him and select the option to trade. This will bring up your inventory, and you should see the option to offer the three rainbow feathers.

When you offer the feathers to Pave, he will be overjoyed and offer you three different rewards. These rewards may include items such as rare furniture, clothing, or even a special Pave-themed item. The specific rewards available will change from time to time, so you may want to save up your rainbow feathers and trade them in for different rewards at different times.

Step-By-Step Instructions for Giving Pave Three Rainbow Feathers

If you’re wondering how to give Pave three rainbow feathers, here is a step-by-step guide to help you out.

Find Pave On Your Island

Pave will appear randomly on your island, and you can recognize him by his distinctive appearance and the fact that he’s carrying a large bag over his shoulder. Keep an eye out for him, and when you see him, approach him and select the “Talk” option.

Choose The “Trade” Option

Once you’ve talked to Pave, you’ll have the option to trade with him. Select this option to bring up the trade menu.

Give Pave Three Rainbow Feathers

In the trade menu, you’ll see a list of items that Pave is looking for. For example, if he’s asking for three rainbow feathers, select the feathers from your inventory and trade them to him.

Collect Your Reward 

Once you’ve traded Pave three rainbow feathers, he will give you a special reward in return. This could be a rare item, a piece of furniture, or some other type of prize. Make sure to choose your reward carefully, as it will be something that you can only get once.

Repeat The Process As Needed

Pave will continue to visit your island and ask for different items over time, so you may need to repeat this process multiple times in order to complete all of his trades. So keep an eye out for him, and be sure to have the items he’s looking for on hand when he arrives.

How To Obtain the Ingredients?

In order to give Pave three rainbow feathers, players will need to gather three different types of feathers: peacock feathers, parakeet feathers, and cardinal feathers.

Peacock feathers can be obtained by catching peacocks, which are a type of bird that can be found on the island. Peacocks can be found running around the island during the day, and they can be caught using a net. 

Once a peacock has been caught, players can collect its feathers by shaking the tree that it was perched on. Peacock feathers can also be obtained by trading with other players or by purchasing them from the Nook’s Cranny shop.

Parakeet feathers can be obtained by catching parakeets, which are another type of bird that can be found on the island. Like peacocks, parakeets can be caught using a net and can be found running around the island during the day. 

Parakeet feathers can also be obtained through trading or by purchasing them from the Nook’s Cranny shop.

Cardinal feathers can be obtained by catching cardinals, which are a type of bird that can be found on the island. Cardinals can be found singing on trees during the day, and they can be caught using a net. Cardinal feathers can also be obtained through trading or by purchasing them from the Nook’s Cranny shop.

In addition to these three types of feathers, players will also need to gather three pieces of furniture to give to Pave along with the feathers. The required pieces of furniture will depend on the player’s island, and the tasks that Pave has assigned.

Benefits of Giving Pave Three Rainbow Feathers

Giving pave three rainbow feathers in Animal Crossing is a great way to show appreciation for your friends and improve your relationships with them. 

One of the most sought-after gifts in the game are the rare and beautiful rainbow feathers, which can be used to decorate the player’s home or worn as accessories.

There are several benefits to giving pave three rainbow feathers in Animal Crossing. Firstly, it will increase your friendship level with the recipient. As you give gifts and interact with your friends in the game, your friendship level will increase, unlocking new rewards and features. So giving pave three rainbow feathers is a great way to quickly increase your friendship level and progress in the game.

Secondly, giving pave three rainbow feathers can also be a thoughtful and considerate gesture, showing your appreciation for your friends and their role in your virtual life. In a game like Animal Crossing, where players can spend hours building and maintaining relationships with their in-game friends, small gestures like giving gifts can go a long way in strengthening those bonds.

Finally, giving pave three rainbow feathers can also be a fun and enjoyable activity in itself. Searching for and collecting the rare feathers can be a rewarding and engaging aspect of the game, and giving them to your friends can be a satisfying way to share your success and spread joy.

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